Dual coil solenoids are constructed of two wound coils. The pull coil operates at high currents in order to provide maximum pull or push force. The hold coil retains the plunger in place after it has completed its stroke. After energizing, the pull coil must be turned off as soon as possible to prevent burnout. The protection modules energize the solenoid pull coil for approximately 1.0 second.
Coil Commanders time out a solenoid’s high amperage pull coil within approximately 1.5 seconds. The in-line cylindrical tube design comes in 5-, 6-, and 7-wire SSR configurations. These stand-alone units are lightweight and need no mounting brackets. Modules are also available with solenoid attached. Pull coil timer modules protect externally switched solenoids by limiting the pull coil ON time to 0.5 second.
5-Wire Coil Commander
Provides the functionality of an internally switched solenoid when used with a 3-wire externally switched solenoid.
6-Wire Coil Commander
Plugs into existing externally switched (ES) solenoid installations without wiring modification when used with optional connectors. Works with installations connected to “S” terminal on starter.
7-Wire SSR Coil Commander (Solid State Relay)
Provides the functionality of an internally switched solenoid when used with a 4-wire externally switched solenoid. Eliminates the need for a separate solenoid relay.
Pull Coil Timer Modules (PCTMs)
3- and 6-wire configurations for externally switched (ES) solenoids.